Voice Assessment + Tune-up
Learn about your Voice. Learn about yourself.
Service Description
This session will help transform your relationship to your voice - the way you listen, hear and utilize it. Do you remember the first time you heard a recording or became aware of the sound of your voice? Chances are it sounded very different than how you thought it did. Have you ever wondered how you really sound to others? Do you like the sound of your speaking voice? Your singing voice? Is there an aspect, or aspects, of your voice that you would like to strengthen or improve upon? Would you like to gain a truer sense of what your voice really is and the significant role it plays in your life? You cannot only learn how to improve various aspects of your voice, you can also learn to appreciate, value and even learn to love your voice. You can become a better speaker, singer, presenter, and performer. Developing a positive relationship to your voice can have a profound and lasting impact on your life. It can help to increase confidence, passion and vitality, as well as happiness and fulfillment across a broad spectrum, including personal and professional relationships. In this Voice Assessment, you will receive a professional assessment, along with constructive and impactful feedback on your voice, followed up with a Vocal Tune up highlighting actionable techniques on how to support, build, strengthen and improve it. The Voice Assessment will include: • Review of and supportive feedback on your Voice (Once session is purchased and book, client will send 1-3 minute recording or video prior to Zoom Session). If this is not possible or if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can share a speech or song during session. • Overview of the key strengths and challenges of your Voice, including aspects of breath, tone, quality, range, resonance, strength, confidence, power, projection, dynamics, transitions, timbre, pitch, where it’s coming from • Determine high priority items to maximize results of findings The Tune Up will focus on actionable knowledge, techniques, exercises and strategies that you can employ right now to improve your voice, address challenge areas and build on your strengths: • Vocal Anatomy and the Mechanics of Breath • Opening Your Voice and Expanding Range • Vocal Freedom, Power and Projection • Developing Practice Routine (vocal toning, warm-up and practice exercises) • Preparing for speaking engagements and musical performances Book today to Discover the Power of your Voice. No prior musical or singing experience is required.
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